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Tabor Page 5

  Chapter 9

  Tabor had finally left Echo’s place. He now sat at the clubhouse in his one-room apartment, staring out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. He had been a dick the last few days he had been in her home. Then he had lost his fucking mind when he saw her and Wick fucking around in the backyard while he watched from the upstairs window. Tabor knew nothing was going on between them, Echo wasn’t that way. He just needed her to hate him so he wouldn’t go back after her. He damn sure didn’t blame her for kicking him out, so now he could get on with his life. Wasn’t that what he had wanted? So, why wasn’t he moving on, why was he hiding behind a sheer-covered window hoping to catch a glimpse of both of them? Because he couldn’t move on, he never could.

  Tabor saw them then. They walked along the sidewalk, laughing. Something about the little girl bugged him, he just couldn’t put his finger on it. The gods hated him, Tabor decided. Why else would they let him believe she had been dead and then bring her here, throwing it in his face that she had moved on as soon as he left. It was his own fault that he was weak when it came to Echo. It was his own fault the little girl wasn’t his. That was the root of it, she was a constant reminder he’d left Echo alone. A woman like her would have gotten on with her life when he didn’t come back, but he had come back. It had just been too late.


  The sound of laughter caught Jason Becks’ attention; he had been hoping to locate Genevie Martinelle out in the open. Now he sat down the street watching her walk with her daughter as they played with a balloon animal. When he first arrived, he found she had aligned herself with a biker gang. It hadn’t been easy to stay under the radar with the MC controlling most of the town. Especially after he attacked one of their own. It seemed they were everywhere and knew everyone.

  He had yet to find out who the president of the Gypsy Kings was. The goal was to offer a bribe to get the MC away from the woman and her brat child. His client was getting impatient; he wanted the woman returned to New York, and soon. It seemed like a long shot with her housing his victim along with the members coming and going all the time.

  If he couldn’t get to the president of the MC, he would just hire a couple of lowlifes to do the job for him. He just needed to find some who wouldn’t care that the job included a kid. He made a mental note to pay for a little info on the Kings’ president.

  Jason sat seething over his beer, thinking about how it would feel to take a little bit of Genevie for himself. As he thought more about it his phone rang. He never took his eyes off her as he answered the call. “Hello.”

  “Becks, what’s the fucking hold up? I want that bitch back here.”

  “I’m working on it, what condition does she need to be in when she arrives?”

  “Why do you want to know, you thinking of having some fun with her?”

  “Maybe, but she probably is worn out by now, she’s running with an MC.”

  “I’m sure what I’m going to do to that little tease is nothing compared what they’ve done to her. Just get her and the kid back here.”

  “It would be easier if I just grabbed the woman.”

  “No, the kid’s my leverage. If she doesn’t play nice, I will use the kid to make her.”

  “I don’t want to know anything about that crap. I draw the line there.”

  “It’s not your concern, just do your fucking job.” Jason Becks hung the phone up as he continued to watch his prey.


  Late into the evening Echo cuddled with Kat, trying to fall asleep. A man earlier in the evening had lingered in front of her place. His face remained on her mind. She had thought he spoke her name—not her nickname, but her formal name.

  A noise from the front of the house alerted her that someone was trying to gain entrance. Placing a hand over Katya’s mouth, she woke the little girl up, telling her to stay quiet. She picked her up and moved into the bathroom where she placed Katya in the dumbwaiter, lowering her down to the laundry room. Kat knew the drill; they had gone over it many times. Echo waited for Kat to tug on the rope, letting her know she was safe. Echo closed the little door with relief. Turning, she eased back out into the bedroom and took the gun from the top of the hutch. She had placed it there when she started sleeping in Kat’s room.

  Now with her daughter out of the way, she was on the hunt for the intruder. She had lived around ruthless people for years, so she had some idea of what needed to be done. Knowing they hadn’t gained entrance yet, Echo wanted to pull the door open and slam the butt of the revolver in their face. It seemed time stood still until she heard muffled screams followed by heavy footfalls out in the stairwell. Voices could be heard out on the street; Echo ran for the stairs, wanting Katya back with her.

  Taking the back stairs, Echo went to grab Katya, only to find she wasn’t there. Not knowing where her daughter was or if someone had kidnapped her had a panic-stricken Echo running out into the night, strangling her cries as she frantically looked for her daughter. A hundred questions ran through her mind as she turned the corner of the building. There were Gypsy Kings members all over the street. She saw Crow holding Katya. Tabor and Wick approached her cautiously. Echo ignored them, she just wanted to get to her child.


  “I just want to get Katya.”

  “Give me the gun, babe.”

  Glancing down, she remembered she had grabbed the gun once Kat was at the bottom floor. Her thoughts had only been about saving her child by any means. With a shaky hand Echo handed the gun to Tabor. Looking over Tabor’s shoulder, she watched him turn, waving Crow over. Echo took her child as Crow handed her off. “How did you know there was an intruder?”

  Tabor tousled Katya’s hair, telling Echo that the little girl had run to the clubhouse. When she burst through the door, he had been working on his bike. He smiled at Echo. “You said if she ever whispered in my ear it would be important and I should listen. I listened.”

  “Thank you all so much.” Turning for her apartment, she noticed a man wearing Gypsy Kings colors approaching her. Tabor stepped back and tugged her to him.

  “Echo, this is Gypsy.”

  Gypsy looked over Echo, and his smile came slowly as he noticed the possession in which Tabor held her. Now it all made sense, this was the reason it took his friend so long to heal. The woman before him was simply beautiful and just what Tabor needed to settle him down—so he hoped. But there was more to the story than he knew… for now.

  “It’s nice to meet you, sorry it’s under these circumstances.”

  Echo agreed that the circumstances sucked. Holding her daughter tight to her side, she asked if she could take Kat upstairs. Gypsy told her go on up, but he would be coming up to speak with her about the evening’s events. Echo didn’t respond as she headed back to her apartment.

  Tabor followed Echo. He wanted time to talk with her before the others got upstairs. Whether she wanted them or not, the Kings were hers. The simple act of allowing him to remain in her home while he healed obligated them to her.

  The door almost hit him in the face when she stepped into the apartment. He was not surprised after his attitude once he left her place weeks ago. The kid smiled at him over her mom’s shoulder, and Tabor couldn’t help but smile back. The kid was cute and mischievous.

  Katya wiggled out of Echo’s arms, darting over to Tabor, who bent down and scooped her up. “You have something else to tell me, little one?” Katya whispered in his ear a thank you followed by a smooch on his cheek before wiggling out of his arms. He shook his head at the little girl as she climbed onto the sofa. Echo had her hands full with that one. The sound of glass breaking brought his attention around to Echo, who softly swore in the kitchen.

  “Echo, let me clean that up for you.”

  When she turned around, she found herself face-to-face with Tabor. She couldn’t care less what he thought about her, she needed him. Leaning against him, she cried silently. She was shaken to her core by the mere fact someone had attempted
to break into her home. “Stay with us, please Tabor.” It was barely a whisper. Echo wasn’t even sure he heard her until he said, “Okay.” Before she could say another word, the apartment door opened, and she was pretty sure the entire MC stepped into her living room.

  Chapter 10

  Gypsy worried over the situation with Echo and her young daughter. Something didn’t sit right with him; she was hiding something. Echo had answered every question perfectly, almost too perfectly. She was definitely hiding something. Either it was relevant to what had happened that evening or it wasn’t. He needed a way to get her to open up. Gypsy also wanted to know how far back the relationship between Tabor and Echo went. This wasn’t a new love affair; this was a smoldering volcano, and more than one person could get burned when it finally erupted.

  Walking into the house, he was met by his beautiful wife as she sauntered toward him. Damn he owed her another trip, and soon. Glancing over his shoulder, he shook his head. If George made a move to frisk his wife, the young hang-around would find out why Gypsy was the boss.

  “George, you can go make your rounds. And don’t shoot Trip, he’s somewhere outside.”

  “I won’t kill him if I shoot him, promise.”

  Mariquinn laughed at George. He was like the younger brother she always wanted. “You look tired, babe.”

  “I’m never too tired when it comes to you.” Wrapping an arm around Quinn, he allowed her to lead him toward their bedroom, where he was certain his beautiful bride would force him to tell her why he was late coming home. Which he would tell her, because Gypsy thought she could help him with the Tabor-Echo situation. Gypsy stopped to check on the children when a thought came to him... Maybe Echo would want to bring her daughter out to play with theirs.

  “Sweetheart, how would you feel making a new friend?”

  “Gypsy, are you having me meddle in someone’s life?”

  “No, not at all.” He laughed, shoving her through their bedroom door. Then he stopped as he saw the pile of ruined curtains on the bedroom floor. “Mariquinn, it seems we have something to discuss.”

  Looking at the pile of curtains, she feigned surprise. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, honey.”

  Gypsy grabbed her, tossing her over his shoulder he charged into the room. Mariquinn laughed he threw her on the bed. Before she could stop laughing his belt was off and firmly in his hand. It was time for a lesson.


  Laying across the bed in his cheap motel room, Jason Becks PI hurt all over. The tumble down the stairs as he tried to flee the club members had left him cut all to hell and bruised from head to toe. He had just begun to heal from his last round with these assholes, now he was torn up again. It just wasn’t worth it at this point. His need to get the woman and her brat back to New York in a hurry had cost him, now he would have to pay someone to grab them.

  He still needed to get close to the MC president, but that was easier said than done. The man was elusive and highly protected. Jason had yet to see him out in public. Paranoid much? he thought. The phone rang. He really did not want to talk to his client.


  “What’s your status?”

  “I’ve hired some men to grab her, I will call you back when it’s done.”

  “If I have to make a trip over there, you won’t like it.”

  Jason sat listening to dead silence, wondering how he had gotten himself into this mess. Now he needed to find a pair of kidnappers. He remembered seeing an old building a few miles out of town. It had a “For Sale” sign on it. Tomorrow he would drive by and grab the realtor’s number. He could set up a meeting to look at the building. Maybe he could keep the target there until he could get them out of town.


  Standing in the kitchen, Tabor waited while Echo put Katya back to bed. The little girl was so courageous—he admired that. He needed to get past the fact that Echo had moved on. As far as she knew he had never gone back for her. Noticing toys scattered across the floor, he made his way around the room, picking them up and putting them in the small toy box where things would be tidy. He didn’t like mess. Everything in his life needed to be orderly. He blamed it on being in the military. With everything put in place, he sat down on the sofa and waited. After a few minutes, he closed his weary eyes.

  Warm hands caressed his cock. Oh yeah, he thought at the feeling of lips wrapping around him. Tabor was enjoying the dream until teeth raked across the tip of his head. His eyes flew open to find Echo on her knees, sucking him off. Damn the woman was beautiful. Thrusting his hands in her thick, dark hair, he guided her head up and down, setting the pace he wanted. As she sucked him down, he heard her choke once, but she didn’t stop, and he didn’t either until he shot his load down her throat and she milked him dry. Collapsing back against the sofa, he watched through hooded eyes as Echo licked her lips clean. She knew what else he wanted. Tabor had his kink. He liked to watch, and he wanted to watch now.

  Slipping her night shorts off, Echo took a seat in a chair across from the sofa. She draped one leg over the arm of the chair, giving Tabor a perfect view of her glistening sex. She went straight to work fingering herself. She wanted his cock again this time. She wanted to slide her wet pussy down his shaft and ride him till they were both sore. She didn’t care why he wanted her, just that he did.

  She watched him stroke his cock as she plunged her fingers deeper. “Come on baby, stroke it faster for me.” She always talked to him during sex, and he liked that shit too. Tabor worked his cock faster for her.

  “Echo, let me see your tits, pull your top down, baby.” Damn he loved her, she knew how to get under his skin. He loved the feel of her, not just her body, but her skin when he wrapped his arms around her, laying against her in the dark late at night. He loved the fact that, after all the years that passed, she still remembered what his kink was and didn’t mind letting him watch her.

  With her free hand she tugged the tank top down under her breasts so he could see how pert her tits were as she continued to tease her clit. Her body was slick with want, all he needed to do was come get it. Hooking her finger at him, Echo watched Tabor stand and walk to her. His cock was thick and long. God she loved how fast he could be ready for her. She had missed sex and if he was willing to give her what she needed, she’d give him the same.

  “I need you to just fuck me. Hard, baby.” It was more than sex, it was them, the way they moved together, the way his hands played in her hair, his mouth would caress her neck as his fingers teased her.

  Tabor stroked his cock, thinking about giving Echo what she wanted, one more hard fuck before walking away for good. Fuck it, he thought; he wanted one more hard fuck from her as well. “Not out here. Let’s go downstairs, I’ve wanted to fuck you on that old farm table since I saw you leaning over it as you washed it down.”

  Echo stopped everything and followed him down the side stairs, knowing he would have her screaming his name soon enough.

  Chapter 11

  Jason waited impatiently for the realtor to arrive. The woman sounded sexy as hell on the phone. Maybe she was single, and he could charm her with his smooth-talking ways and get lucky. He hadn’t found one damn hooker in the fucking town of Lampsing. His cock wanted to play, he needed to get laid.

  Finally, he saw a car coming up the lane. Jason stayed in his car until the compact stopped and a long-legged redhead stepped out. His cock twitched looking at the four-inch heels that adorned a pair of what he imagined were perfect feet. As the redhead chatted on her cellphone, she waved hello, giving Jason a friendly smile.

  Yes, he would be charming her onto her back and her knees before the tour was over. If he was lucky, she would be willing to have a taste while touring. Waving back, he gave her a charming smile. He watched her hang up and put the phone away.

  “Hello, Mrs. McMichael.”

  “Please, it’s Miss McMichael, but you can call me Janice.” Sticking her hand out, she waited for her new client to shake her han
d. The man was yummy in her book, maybe she could finagle dinner out of him, maybe a little dessert after. “Why don’t we take a look at the building. At one time this building housed a watch factory. Later they moved out of town, leaving this building for the city to deal with.”

  He didn’t care what the damn building had been, he just needed to have access for a short time while remaining undetected. For now, he would listen intently to every word Janice had to say. What her pretty mouth was saying didn’t match what her body was telling him. Oh yes there would be some fun to be had later with Miss Janice McMichael.


  As usual Tabor ignored any form of affection the next day. It felt like payback for something she had done to him. But what? That was the question. Moving through the downstairs area, she thought about the night before, how he had laid her over the table and fucked her from behind. She could still feel his hand twisting in her hair, his other hand holding her back firmly to the table almost like he was branding her. When he pulled out of her and jacked off on her back, she almost cried.

  He always finished inside her, it was almost an insult for him to do that to her. At first, she thought he would clean her up and they would play some more. That didn’t happen. He simply left her laying over the table with his seed all over her. He hadn’t even bothered with handing her a towel to clean up with, he had just left and gone back upstairs. She found him lying asleep on the sofa when she finally came upstairs. Echo took the hint; Tabor was finished with her. Tears filled her eyes as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

  Coming out of her thoughts, she tossed hot soapy water over the table and began to scrub it down. No need to think about what if’s, she told herself. She had lived with a broken heart for years. Now I can move on, he had made his peace, she thought. Put her in her place so to speak. “Yes, it’s time to move on.”