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Tabor Page 4

  He called the shots when it came to the teardown and rebuild. He went over every little detail with Echo, even asking Kat’s opinion. Once they were done with the back end of the house, he had agreed to work with Echo on designing her bistro downstairs.

  Echo was sitting at the kitchen table looking over the blueprints Wick drew up for the bistro when movement from the hall caught her eye. Looking up, she saw Tabor standing in the entrance of the hallway. “You need something, Tabor?”

  Tabor glanced at Kat sleeping on the sofa and moved farther into the kitchen, asking for a cup of coffee, if it wasn’t an inconvenience. Echo made him a cup, knowing him well enough to know he always had a cup in the late evening. She was exhausted from his mood swings. Even a yoyo stopped eventually.

  Placing the cup on the table, she didn’t wait for him to take it and she damn sure wasn’t handing it to him. He had been meandering around her house for the last few days. If he could wander around her home, he could wander back to his own place. Even if she wished he would want to stay with her, it was time for him to go. “You need anything else?” She wasn’t surprised he ignored her question as he looked at the blueprints.

  “Are these the plans Wick did for your shop?” The place would be perfect once his brother finished with it. He was a little jealous of the friendship Wick had struck with Echo. He knew better than let the green-eyed monster creep up on him.

  Seeing the signs Tabor was going down a rabbit hole, she answered, bringing his attention back to her. “Yes, they’re for my bistro.”

  “Where is your daughter’s father?” Asshole.

  Echo couldn’t believe what he asked her, was he fucking kidding? Why should she tell him? Damn him for thinking she had been with someone else.

  “None of your concern.” Rolling up the bistro plans, she placed them up on the counter. It was long past Katya’s bedtime and the child needed to be in her bed. As she gently picked up her daughter’s sleeping body, she decided she would sleep in Kat’s room, where she didn’t have to talk to the asshole another minute.

  “Make yourself at home, not that you haven’t already.” She turned her back on him, carrying Kat to bed.

  “You and I are going to talk Echo; you can’t hide behind your kid twenty-four seven.”

  Later, after putting Katya to bed, Echo went to clean the kitchen. She was surprised to find Tabor still there. When Echo turned to walk away, Tabor caught her by surprise. She had forgotten how fast he could move. She was shoved up against the wall, his body pressed up against hers. So much heat vibrated between them—damn her body for betraying her.

  God help her, she wanted him. She looked away for one second, just a quick glance to sure her daughter’s door was closed tightly, and that’s all it took for Tabor take control.

  Tabor’s grip didn’t ease up as he slammed his mouth on hers. He didn’t ask permission with his assault. He took what he wanted. Her sex pulsed; it had been five years since a man touched her, five years she had done nothing but dream of his hands touching her body. She felt his knee push her legs apart, his thigh pressed hard against her mound as his hands went to her breasts. Echo couldn’t think beyond her blinding need to have him.

  One strong hand tugged at her sleep pants, shoving the waistband down lower on her hips. Echo couldn’t help herself, her body had taken over. As she ground against his thigh a small moan escaped when Tabor slid two fingers into her. As if that wasn’t enough to make her cum, he pinched her nipple with his free hand. It was too much too fast, her body came alive with every twist and plunge of his fingers.

  Reaching for the drawstring on his pants, she slipped her hand over his hard cock, keeping one hand on his shaft she slid her other hand in his hair. She hadn’t noticed Tabor had dragged them deeper into the dark hallway, away from small eyes.

  Tabor pulled away from her. He wanted her bare, laying on his bed, and he was going to have it. “Strip, now.”

  Doing what he commanded, Echo slid her pants down her legs, letting him see her ass as she wiggled out of them. He had always loved her ass. She wasn’t a young girl anymore her body had changed since having a child. Her hips were a little wider, her breasts were fuller. He was getting a woman this go around. Standing up, she pulled her tank top over her head slowly so he could get a good view of her.

  When she landed on the bed with her knees under her, Echo reminded herself to breathe as she felt Tabor enter her. It wasn’t sweet and easy; it was hard and rough just the way she had liked it. With every pound of his cock, she bit back a cry.

  Chapter 8

  Work on her apartment was coming along. Echo had taken advantage of the men being there to head downstairs and get some cleaning done in the bistro. The front windows needed washing, and they seemed like a good spot to start. Working her way from the front door to the backdoor would keep her focused. That was something that had been eluding her since the night of hot sweaty sex with Tabor. He, on the other hand, acted like it never happened.

  “Two could play that game,” she mumbled, knowing in her heart she was a fool thinking she could forget it. She thought about it constantly; how could a woman forget being fucked breathless? Hands on her hips, Echo assessed the situation at hand. If she was going to clean the windows, she would need a very tall ladder. “Ask Wick,” she said to herself.

  Echo found Wick upstairs, looking over the blueprints, probably making sure every detail was done to specs. She liked his work ethic. Something had seemed to change with him in the last week, but overall Wick was a great guy. “Wick?”

  “Hey doamma, how are you today? Where’s the little mademoiselle?” Rolling up the blueprints he turned toward Echo, giving her his full attention.

  “The princess is at Mommy’s Day Out, playing till her heart is content.” Thank god for small favors. Finding the Mommy’s Day Out at the local daycare had been a life saver, especially with so many things going on in the house.

  “I’m not sure what that is.” Leaning against the counter, he waited for an explanation.

  “It’s where moms can bring their little ones in for a couple hours. The kids get to play with other children and moms like me are able to get things done in quiet.”

  “Nice. Now what can I help you with?”

  “I need a ladder; I would like to start doing some cleaning downstairs.”

  “You do know when we get started down there it will just be a mess again.” He knew she would tell him what the real problem was, all he needed to do was wait.

  “Wick, I need to do something… and I need some space from glaring eyes.” There she said it. She was going nuts with Tabor watching her all the time.

  “Okay, come on let’s get you that ladder.”

  Following Wick downstairs, she found she could breathe around the guy a lot easier than the others, but she still wasn’t sure why. “Wick, what makes you so different from the others?”

  Turning to face Echo, he only smiled. He wasn’t so different from his brothers he just compartmentalized things, so he remained focused. He considered himself a taskmaster. He chooses one task to work out at a time and he stays focused on it until it is finished. Wick told her exactly that, hoping it would appease her curiosity.

  “So, what you’re saying is, is if you had a woman… you would stay on task until she was completely satisfied in every aspect?” Echo held her hand over her mouth, trying to stop the laughter’s escape. Even turning her back to Wick didn’t help, she still burst out laughing at his reaction. Wick’s retort was his boot on her butt. Echo stumbled forward, still laughing.

  “Who says I don’t have a woman?”

  Echo couldn’t compose herself, she kept laughing at the guy. Wick grabbed a wet towel from the workbench and snapped it at her. Echo rolled away fast. Coming up on her feet, she dodged his towel attack and grabbed another towel from the bench. Two could play this game, she thought. A quick twist up of the towel and she let loose. To her surprise, she made contact on his bare arm, and instantly there a
ppeared a welt. “Oops,” was the only thing she thought before Wick retaliated by snapping her leg with his towel.

  Tabor watched from an upstairs window as Wick and Echo ran around the backyard like fools, snapping towels at each other. A chuckle escaped him when he saw her land a few well-placed shots. However, when Wick placed one on Echo’s thigh and another on her butt, Tabor found it hard to not go downstairs and whip his brother’s ass.

  “What’s going on Tabor?” Crow stepped up to look out the window, shaking his head he slapped Tabor on the back. “You need to make up your mind.” Crow couldn’t believe what he was looking at: Wick joking around with Echo. He never let his guard down with anyone. The woman brought light into their world. All Crow needed to do was look at Wick to know it was the truth.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Tabor’s hackles were up. What was Crow saying? Was one of the brothers looking to make time with Echo?

  “You either want her as your woman or you don’t. Tabor, as your brother I’m telling you make up your mind and soon. Echo loves you; everyone can see it. You need to figure out whatever is keeping you from taking that step. Like I said, do it soon.”

  Wick held his hands up in surrender after he landed the shot on Echo’s ass and heard her yelp. Tossing the towel back on the workbench, Wick snatched Echo’s towel from her before she could swat at him again. The woman had great aim. “Come on let’s get this ladder inside so you can stop bugging me, woman.”

  “You know I kicked your ass.” It felt good to laugh again.

  Wick chuckled as he carried the ladder to the shop. He watched Echo cut her eyes at him. Tabor was a damn fool. He stayed quiet until he had the ladder all set up for her. Wick made sure it was level so Echo would be safe climbing up and down on it. He watched her grab her cleaner and towels. He wanted to know the deal—the whole deal. “What happened between you two?”

  Echo closed her eyes; she had foolishly thought none of them would ask. “Which time?”

  “There’s more than one time?”

  Setting down the supplies, Echo decided she was tired of pretending she and Tabor had never met before her moving to the small town on the coast of California. Hell, the fates themselves had to have a hand in this. “We met almost six years ago.”

  Wick almost choked on his water when he heard six years. “What do you mean six years?”

  “I didn’t stutter. We met a little over six years ago in New Hampshire. I was a waitress putting myself through school and he came in to the restaurant where I worked.”

  Wick sat down rubbing a hand over his face. His brother was an asshole. “Why did you break up?”

  “You’re just wanting to jump right in with both feet, aren’t you?”

  “Why the fuck not.”

  Echo sat down opposite Wick, pulling her legs underneath her in the old chair. “We were together a year before he left…”

  Five and a half years earlier

  Damn, she was running late. Tabor probably thought she wasn’t coming home or something. Her phone had died and she had forgotten her charger at the house. Pulling into the driveway, Echo saw his bike was packed. Her heart dropped. Had she forgotten he was going on a run? Or had she forgotten they were going off for the weekend? She racked her mind trying to remember what she had forgotten. Nothing came to mind.

  She put the car in park and grabbed up the grocery bags. She was a little disappointed she was home after him, she wanted to surprise him with a romantic dinner and then tell him the news. She only hoped he would be as happy as she was.

  When she entered the house, Echo knew immediately something was wrong. Only one light was on in the living room and that was just a lamp. Finally her eyes adjusted and she saw him sitting at the kitchen table. Setting the grocery bags down on the counter, she went to him. She took his hands in hers and knelt down, asking him what was wrong. They could handle anything, as long as they were honest and together.

  The words that were said next shocked her, they ripped at her soul, broke her heart. Never in her mind had she expected what would come next.

  “I’m heading out.” He hated the look in her eyes, the sadness he had put in them.

  “What do you mean?” Tell him now, don’t wait.

  “The club is making a move and I need to go back.” It was a shit answer, as true as it was, it still sucked ass.

  “How long will you be gone?” Please don’t leave. Ask me to leave with you. She wouldn’t beg him. She would be strong She was strong.

  “Not sure, but don’t worry I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Tabor stood up, pulling her with him. He didn’t give her a choice but to walk with him. Echo watched him get on his Harley and roll out of the driveway. She kept waiting for him to look back, to come back. He hadn’t even kissed her goodbye. She stood in the driveway until well after midnight, waiting, listening for the sound of his bike. Finally, a neighbor walked over and made her go inside due to the temperature dropping. Echo hadn’t noticed the cold; she was dying inside slowly.

  She stayed up all night, waiting for him to come back for her. Watching for any movement on the road had her looking out the windows. She died a little more with every second. Minute. Hour. Why couldn’t he have taken her with him? Why hadn’t she asked him to take her with him? Because they had a deal, no questions, no crying when he had to ride, she would deal with it. Fuck him and his deal, she thought.

  Pulling the ultrasound picture from her back pocket, she ran her finger over the image of their unborn child. The baby was just a bean, but it was their bean.


  Wick was furious. How could Tabor not go back for her? How could he not know he had a child? He would kill for a family. “Did you ever hear from him again?”

  “No, I stayed at the house for months, but I wasn’t able to continue working so I went to live with my grandmother in upstate New York. Then I moved to New York City.”

  “Did you have a man in your life?” Wick couldn’t help but think how a woman like Echo should have a man that loved her.

  “After Kat was born, I thought about it, I just couldn’t do it. Then when she turned four, I met a man and we dated, he turned out to be not a nice guy. When I broke up with him, he went a little nuts. I put a restraining order out on him and that kept him away, until it didn’t. He’s in jail at the moment.”

  “Tabor knows about this guy?” Like it would matter to him. Wick needed his ass beat.

  “Nope, but it wasn’t a physical relationship. I could never get there. I came here because my grandmother left this building to me along with some money to help us along.” Echo would not fail to bring this place back to life.

  Echo and Wick continued talking for some time until Crow came looking for him. The expression on Crow’s face told Wick he was about to have a major issue and Wick really didn’t care at all. Tabor was an asshole for leaving Echo. Before he left to follow Crow, he asked Echo one more question. “You asked ‘which time’ about you and Tabor being together, what did you mean by that?”

  Echo looked at Wick and calmly told him his brother liked the way she fucked. And that seemed to piss Wick off. She watched Wick leave out the backdoor. Following just to see what was going on, she was surprised to see him pack up his truck and leave. She glanced at her watch and noticed it was almost time to pick up Kat from Mommy’s Day Out. Leaving the cleaning for later, she went upstairs, grabbed her keys, and waved bye to the guys with a smile.

  She was almost to the door when hands grabbed her, shoving her into the wall. She faced a pissed off Tabor. “Are you fucking Wick, is that where you’re fucking going, Echo?”

  There was no getting out of his grip. She had never seen him like this; she had never known him to be the jealous type. Shaking her head no, Echo tried getting loose from his grip, but he only held on to her tighter. “Let me go, Tabor, you’re scaring me.”

  “Good, you should be scared. If I find out you’re fucking Wick, I’ll kill both of you.” Before he could co
ntinue, Crow and Tool yanked him off Echo and sent him tumbling across the floor. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Tabor?” yelled Crow.

  Tabor shoved Crow and Tool off him as he got up, pointing a finger at Echo… “The only person you better be spreading your legs for is me, do you fucking understand me, Echo?”

  Echo didn’t answer him; she was in total shock by his behavior. When he yelled at her again about understanding him, she nodded yes. She watched wide-eyed as Tool dragged him out of the room. She could hear arguing from the men as Crow walked with her downstairs. All she could think was that she had to go get her daughter.

  “Echo, I’m going to drive you over to get Katya, okay?” Crow waited until she acknowledged him before putting her in the car.

  Once they were sitting out front of the daycare, Crow called Wick and explained what had went down when he left. He knew Wick would feel responsible for what happened, but it wasn’t his burden, it was Tabor’s. The next call he made was to Tool and Fiddler. He told them to get Tabor out of Echo’s place. He said he didn’t care where he went but Crow wanted him out of there before he brought Echo and her daughter home. Leaning his head back on the headrest, he closed his eyes. This must be what people meant by shit rolling downhill.

  He opened his eyes and he saw Echo carrying a sleeping Katya to the car. Jumping out, he walked around the truck to open the door for her. “Can I help?”

  “You did, you opened the door for me.”

  Standing there, Crow really wanted to know what Echo and Wick had talked about. Deciding not to beat around the bush, he asked her point blank when she closed the door. The look on her face didn’t keep him from pushing the subject. Echo nipped it in the bud by telling him to ask Wick—or better yet, ask Tabor about their past. Because there was one.