Gypsy Read online

Page 9

  Seeing Mariquinn hesitate, Gypsy didn’t think, he acted. Walking down the steps from the altar, he met her and her father coming up the aisle. Whoever expected him to follow the rules was a fool. Shaking her father’s hand, he put Mariquinn's arm through his walking her up the aisle. “You weren’t changing your mind?” he chided.

  Mariquinn looked up at a teary-eyed Gypsy. “Not a chance.” She winked.

  Gypsy smiled as they walked up the steps to the altar.

  The sermon seemed to take longer than usual, or at least that’s how it felt to Gypsy. The thoughts he was having about his wife would probably have him burning in hell. That’s when he remembered what Tabor has said. They had the rest of their lives for sex. The thought made him smile which had Mariquinn smiling harder.

  When the priest told Gypsy, he could kiss the bride, Mariquinn assumed he would give her a peck on the lips and be done with it. She should have known that wasn’t her new husband’s way. Gypsy slipped an arm around her waist pulling her tightly to him. Tipping her head back with his hand, he slid his free hand into her hair holding her in place kissing her deeply to the point of throats being cleared in the church.

  A few snickers from the guests had Mariquinn blushing. Gypsy smiled down at her. He had a treat for her. He planned to take her to Sighisoara for their honeymoon. It was somewhere she had mentioned wanting to go. He couldn’t wait to see her face when he told her.

  The plan was to sneak them out towards the end of the reception. He knew this party could last days with his family and friends. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. After everything Mariquinn had endured while rescuing him from Velean, he would spend years making it up to her.

  Gypsy grabbed her again, forcing her up on her tiptoes and kissing her again. He couldn’t care less who was there. When he ended the kiss Mariquinn laughed and threw herself at him going for another kiss. The church exploded in laughter.


  Gypsy carried Mariquinn across the threshold of their honeymoon cottage even though she protested. He didn’t stop till he laid her down on the king size bed. Laying down beside her, he remembered there was no hurry. They had the rest of their lives to have sex. Gypsy wanted to just look at his wife.

  “My wife,” he whispered in her ear.

  “My husband,” she whispered against his neck.

  “Gypsy tell me this isn’t a dream.”

  “If it is, it’s a beautiful dream. Don’t you agree?”

  Mariquinn smiled.

  Terms used in the MC world

  1%ers: A term often used in association with outlaw bikers, this term represents the 1% that are not law abiding...the other 99% are.

  Biker: someone who rides a motorcycle

  Cage: A vehicle that is not a motorcycle

  Cut: Vest or sleeveless jacket that displays the biker’s colors or independent patches

  Dome, Lid, Brain bucket: Different names for helmets

  Chapter: the local group of a larger club

  Sled, iron horse, scooter: words used in place of motorcycle

  Club: any group of riders banding together

  Church: club meeting

  Colors: represents the patches, logos etc. that the club members display on their cuts, they will fight over their colors. To “shit” on a club’s colors is an act of disrespect and can result in violence

  Chase vehicle: a vehicle that follows behind the club on runs for emergency situations

  Patch holder: club member

  Getting patched: can mean moving into a prospect position or becoming a full member of the club

  Hang around: persons who hang around the club possibly having interest in joining

  Poser, wanna be: an individual pretending to be a biker

  Independent: bikers that have no club ties

  Nomad: a member who travels from chapter to chapter with in the club

  Patches: items sewn on cuts, these are everything from the club colors, rockers, logos etc.

  Prospect: someone trying to work their way in to the club

  Property of: a patch displayed on a vest or jacket letting others know the person wearing it belongs to the club or someone in the club

  Ink: tattoo

  Keep reading for an excerpt from the next Gypsy Kings novel by Roux Cantrell...


  Genevieve (Echo) Martinelle rushed upstairs to turn on the lights before bringing her young daughter upstairs. The building she had inherited had laid dormant for years. It would take a lot of work to bring it back to life. She was thankful for it no matter what it looked like. They would finally have a home, far away from the states. A new life, a new start.

  Here she would be safe. Her ex didn’t know her family name. She had always kept that secret. Martinelle was a Known name in New York and Echo tried not to have anything to do with them. She loved her family, but they were her step family. Her grandmother had married into the Martinelle family bringing Echo right along with her.

  The building had been the only piece of real estate from her family’s estate. Old man Martinelli’s children had fought Echo for it only to lose the fight in the courts. She had been thankful the judge had also fined them the amount of the court fees. It seemed the judge was not a fan of the family.

  Now, she was here in Romania starting over. Hustling back down the steps Echo hurried to get Katya out of the car. It had been a long road trip driving from Italy. A beautiful vacation, one which they had never experienced. Echo had not been in Europe since she was a young girl staying with her Bunica.

  Opening the car door, she reached in helping her daughter out of the back seat. Grabbing the back pack from the front seat Echo shut the door using her hip. She took a second to look around, it was a nice area. Tomorrow, she would get her baring’s and decide on a plan. For now, there was an air mattress upstairs waiting to be set up and slept in. Who was she to keep it waiting? A tingling sensation had her looking over her shoulder. She felt as if she was being watched. Just old feelings creeping in on her. Reminding herself that Neil was still in jail and would be for some time made her feel a little better. The feeling just wouldn’t leave her until she got inside and closed the door locking it. Echo carried a sleepy Kat upstairs.

  Things had been quiet, way to quiet for Stephan Demidov aka Tabor. Being one of the Gypsy King’s Sgt. at arms came with responsibilities. The most important one was protecting the club’s president Gypsy. Nicolea Petrovic aka Gypsy was on his honeymoon far away from the prying eyes of home.

  Sitting in his second-floor apartment in the clubs building Tabor watched the empty two-story building across the street. It sat on the north corner from the club house. Gypsy had tried buying the building with no luck. It had been tied up in litigation due to a will dispute.

  What a waste of good real estate. Just as he turned to walk away from the window a light popped on across the street in the vacant building. Stepping back to the window Tabor noticed a vintage convertible Volkswagen parked out front. The idea of a car pulling up below not catching his attention bothered him. Staring down at the car he noticed movement in the small backseat, he couldn’t make out if it was a person or possibly a pet.

  When the door opens to the building his heart skipped a beat. A woman stepped out, a breath taking beautiful woman. Dark hair cut a little shorter than shoulder length showed off her neck nicely. Long shapely legs balanced on a pair of wedged heels and went all the way up to a pair of cut off shorts. The blouse that hung off one shoulder exposed an inked shoulder. Nice, he thought as the woman opened the door tugging a small girl out of the car. The sight of a child deflated Tabor’s wild thoughts. Just his luck a married woman moving in across the way...

  He watched as she stopped looking over her shoulder before continuing inside. The look on her face told Tabor she was fearful. He had seen it before, Tabor wondered what had put it on her pretty face.


  Roux Cantrell is a native of New Orleans, she loves all things Nol
a. The food, the people, and the spirits (both drinkable and haunting). She loves riding her Harley, she takes at least one long motorcycle trip every year with friends.

  She’s a big lover of Halloween. So much so that she throws a over the top costume party every year where the guest must adorn a costume, or she gets to dress them up. She doesn’t drink wine but loves a good martini.

  She has a love for all thing book related, her cat (Monster), black vinyl and chocolate. Roux had never said in what order those are listed...

  Roux loves Poe as much as Dr. Seuss. She prefers the mountains over the beach and coke over Pepsi. Absolutely believes dessert should be ate before anything else.

  Facebook author page:



  Reader Group Gasoline Alley:



  The Enforcer Series:




  The Big Easy Series

  No Bounds

  No Mercy


  Second Chances Saga

  Second Chances


  Gypsy Kings Series
