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Janice looked at him, realizing she would have to find somewhere to lay low until this nightmare was over. “Maybe I should stay in a hotel for a few days.”
“Why don’t you stay here until we get this matter squared away.” Angel probably should have asked Gypsy first; he just didn’t want anything to happen to their witness. As far as they knew, someone had seen her leaving and was looking for her. Turning to Gypsy, he said, “Maybe we should pull her car into the garage.”
Gypsy signaled for one of the men to do just that. Looking around, he realized he didn’t see Tabor anywhere. But he hadn’t heard a bike fire up. Gypsy walked outside and saw Tabor’s bike still parked in front. Turning, he asked where Janice had parked her car. “Your man took my keys.”
“Which one?” asked Gypsy. He knew the damn answer. Fucking Tabor.
“The one with the green eyes. He was standing next to you.” She pointed to Gypsy.
“Fiddler, you keep digging into Neil Logan. Angel, help find somewhere for Janice to rest. I need two men to stay here and keep this place secured. I want the motel searched, as well as any other buildings that are empty in town. Janice can you help with that information.
She nodded, letting Gypsy know she could. They might be holding Katya somewhere else; they needed to figure that out ASAP.
Gypsy knew Tabor well enough to know he was going in to kill whoever was holding Echo. Hopefully he would keep them alive long enough to find the location of the little one. Wrench had his back normally, but now that he thought about it… Wrench wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“Where the fuck is Wrench?”
Gypsy turned to Janice, who silently pointed out the door.
Chapter 15
Parking the car off the highway tucked in the woods, Tabor and Wrench eased along the tree line that wrapped along the road leading to the old watch factory. Wrench had come without being asked. Knowing Gypsy, he would realize the two of them had left together and would follow with backup If they were going to save Echo and find out Katya’s location, he and Wrench needed to get inside fast.
Bikes blasting down the highway would alert the kidnappers. Tabor counted on the guys to know that detail. Sweat beaded on his brow as he settled into his position. Tabor signaled for Wrench to follow him into the building.
Easing open the door, Tabor made sure the room was clear before they went in. A set of stairs to the left led to a catwalk along a bank of open windows. Signaling for Wrench to take the stairs, he moved into position. The door to his left opened. Tabor pressed against the wall. As one of the kidnappers stepped out, Tabor slammed the heel of his hand into his nose, crushing it. Tabor followed it up with a blow to his neck, breaking it. Catching the guy as he fell, Tabor laid him on the floor.
Tabor motioned to Wrench and headed across the room. Peeking in through the door opening, he saw a man lying dead on the floor. He kept is eye on the guy pacing back and forth. Tabor didn’t see Echo or Katya.
It wasn’t often any of his men went behind his back, but today seemed to be one of those days. The bikes were tucked away. A mile up the road they found Janice McMichael’s car pulled into a cutout in the woods. Signaling for the brothers to split up, Gypsy moved towards the building, flanked by Trip and Crow.
If they were going to get all three of them out of there alive, Gypsy needed everyone to do their job and do it well. He kept moving through the wooded tree line, slowly making his way up the drive. Once they were positive there weren’t any outside patrols, the Kings made their move to take the building. Everyone had their job. Those who remained outside would take down anyone who escaped. Signaling they were going in, Gypsy moved through a backdoor that was hanging open. It was almost too easy. These guys had to be amateurs.
Moving in for a better view, Tabor saw Echo stumble through a door behind the pacing man. Once she was in the room, Tabor heard her say the man’s name. Tony. Tony was a dead man and didn’t know it yet. Tabor watched as Echo tried scrambling away from Tony, her terrified eyes fixed on something across the room, something he couldn’t see.
Waiting for the perfect moment, Tabor took it when Echo’s kidnappers turned away from the door. Peering around the doorframe he saw the reason for Echo’s panic: their daughter was tied to a chair.
He should have waited for the cavalry, rushing just wasn’t his style. But he couldn’t wait any longer, not with his woman and child in danger. Stepping through the doorway, all heads turned his way.
“Echo, you okay?” She nodded. Tabor could see the bruises blossoming on her face as she turned towards him. His eyes went to his daughter.
Tabor evaluated the situation. He knew Wrench had him covered, but could he take both men out without hitting Echo or Kat? Tabor took a few steps farther into the room. Tony grabbed Echo, pulling her in front of him, using her as a human shield.
“Who are you?”
“Someone your dead friend over there should have mentioned.”
“You’re the asshole Becks shoved off the road.”
“Yes, that would be me.”
Tony pulled out a gun, holding it to Echo’s temple. Talking to his co-conspirator, Tony told him to search Tabor for weapons.
When the guy reached for him, Tabor yanked him around, using him for a human shield. Pulling out his gun, he told Tony to let Echo go, knowing full well that he wouldn’t. Instead, Tony did exactly what Tabor thought he would: he shot his partner.
Echo swayed as Tony yanked her back against him. “Now you know I’m not kidding around. Your bitch needs to give me what I want and maybe then I’ll let all of you leave.”
That wasn’t going to happen. Tabor knew it, Tony knew it. “What is it you want?”
“Her inheritance, I want what my grandfather left her.” He poked Echo with the gun barrel to get his point across. “I want the fucking money.”
“I swear your grandfather didn’t leave me anything. Everything that was left to me, was from my grandmama.” Echo was terrified for Katya. “Please. I’m begging you; I don’t have any money.”
“Maybe I should shoot your man, then you will see reason.”
Gypsy got into position behind the kidnapper. He saw two men on the ground dead, one more easing in behind Tabor. He saw Wrench on an upper ledge signaling for him to take out the one holding Echo, he’d take care of the one behind Tabor. Staying low, he moved closer. Realizing Tabor had seen him, Gypsy signaled to him to make a diversion. It needed to be a good one if they were going to get everyone out.
He watched Tabor begin to negotiate with the kidnappers, promising the ringleader he could have all the money Echo had inherited from his grandfather. Gypsy weighed the risk of the baby getting hurt in the crossfire. Wrench needed to be dead on when he shot the man. Whatever Tabor was going to do, he needed to do it soon. The gunman was beginning to get more agitated, which meant he would get trigger-happy.
Gypsy heard Tabor speak to Echo and Kat. He was about to do something really stupid, and he was counting on his brothers to take care of business.
“Katya sweetie, I need you to listen to me.” Tabor saw her eyes fill up with tears. “I need you to listen to me okay?” Tabor held himself still. He watched the walking-dead-man holding a gun to Echo’s head. Tabor tried to assess his daughter’s injuries as she sat tied to a chair. His little girl watched him, tears streaking down her face. The devil within him was rising to the surface, and rising fast. If he could get the asshole to focus his weapon on him, that was worth the risk to give Gypsy and Wrench the opportunity to cover him. “Kat, close your eyes and don’t open them till me or your mom say to, okay?
“Yes, Papa.”
Two words—that’s all it took to grip his heart. As his little girl closed her eyes, two shots rang out. Tabor watched Echo stumble forward as Tony dropped to his knees, his eyes in disbelief as the life drained from him. The second shot had hit one of T
ony’s goons, who had tried to come up behind Tabor. Much to Tabor’s surprise, Gypsy stepped out of the shadows, gun in hand.
“Brother, you ever keep me out of the fucking loop again, I’ll shoot you.”
Tabor was already on the move. “You didn’t let me make a move before you shot them.” He crouched down, helping Echo untie their daughter. Their daughter. He looked behind him to see Wrench standing there, gun in hand. Nodding his head, Wrench signaled for Gypsy to follow him. Wrench and Gypsy left the guns with Tabor. He would handle the cops also. They needed to leave him to it. “Get out of here, we will meet up at the clubhouse.”
“Give us twenty minutes before calling, that gives us time to disappear into the wooded area.”
“I think I can give you that.”
Hugging Katya to him, Tabor pulled Echo into the hug, too. He watched his brothers hustle out of the building. Knowing he needed to get the girls out of the warehouse also, he picked up his daughter. Taking Echo’s hand, he asked them both to close their eyes. He didn’t want them to see any other dead bodies. When he stepped outside, he saw his lone bike parked down at the end of the long driveway. Janice’s car was gone, no doubt by Gypsy. He would have to call them for a ride when the cops let them go.
Once outside he looked over his girls, making sure they were okay. Other than bruises on Echo’s face, she seemed fine. Kat clung to him like a little monkey and he was perfectly fine with it. Pulling Echo close, he kissed her softly. He whispered in her ear. She would be explaining a lot later. Tabor watched her eyes go wide and knew she had been keeping secrets from him.
“I don’t care about money or property, Echo. I just want to know where you’ve been for the past five and a half years.”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“I will answer any questions you have for me.”
Echo found Tabor sitting in Kat’s bedroom, watching her sleep. He had barely left her side since he brought them home. She stepped out of the room, leaving Tabor holding Kat’s little hand in his while she slept. Meanwhile, Gypsy and Quinn sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. It seemed Gypsy didn’t keep secrets from his wife.
Easing back down the hall, Echo cleared her throat before entering the kitchen. One thing she knew about the couple was that they were very affectionate. Quinn called to Echo that she could come in.
“Sorry if we made you feel like you were a guest in your own home.”
“No… well maybe a little.”
Gypsy leaned against the counter looking for Tabor. “Where’s your man?”
Smiling, Echo shrugged. What could she say, he was smitten with his daughter. “I don’t think he will ever come back to our bed now that he knows she is his.”
“You should have seen his face when he found out she was his daughter. That shit was intense.”
They all looked over at Wick, who stood in the doorway. He had been the one to tell Tabor that Kat was his. He also carried guilt about their kidnapping Now he stood waiting on direction from his president. Gypsy indicated for him to join them in the house.
“Gypsy, are we clear from investigation?”
“The sheriff didn’t have a problem with Tabor’s account of the situation.”
“You think he will come back around asking more questions?”
“We will back Tabor’s story, he told him what happened. It was an argument over money, and Anthony Martinelle and his associates did the shooting.”
Nodding his head in agreement with Gypsy, Wick poured a cup of coffee. He didn’t have to ask where Tabor was, that was a given. Taking a sip, he watched as the room filled up with their brothers. Angel was MIA, but Wick knew where his brother was. Crow asked Wick what the smirk on his face was about. He only laughed when Wick responded, telling him Angel had been ‘overly-concerned’ for the pretty realtor and went around to check on her.
Wick’s phone rang. He answered it in a hushed, clipped tone. Once he hung up, Wick signaled. He was leaving just as Tabor stepped into the room. Both men just stared at one another before Wick walked out the door. Crow worried the riff between Wick and Tabor wouldn’t mend.
“Crow, I’m going to need you to make a run to Seattle next week.”
“I’m ready when you need me.” Thankful for the diversion, Crow was ready to leave as soon as Gypsy gave him the word.
Tabor stepped up behind Echo, kissing her neck. “You okay, baby?”
Turning she snuggled deep into him breathing him in and whispered, “Yes.”
Later in the evening when everyone had left, Echo closed the door to Kat’s room. She made her way into the kitchen where Tabor sat having a cup of coffee. She hadn’t expected him to stay. It was a pleasant surprise to find him sitting there, maybe waiting on her.
“Tabor, everything okay?” She reached out and brushed his hair away from his face. Echo loved his green eyes; their daughter had the same color. “You are thinking about those questions?”
Pulling her to him, Tabor wrapped an arm around her. He leaned into her and pressed his mouth against her stomach. “I’m thinking of how I missed everything.”
“You only missed part of it, the best is yet to come.”
“Can you tell me what that was all about, I mean what had you gotten yourself into?”
Echo spent the next hour telling Tabor about the Martinelle family. She had no idea about any inheritance the old man had left her. She really hadn’t thought much about it. All she was worried about was the building and being able to have a fresh start. If there was something out there waiting for her from that family, she would worry about it later. As far as Neil Logan went, Echo explained he had been a ruse. One that both had played well —except when Antony, aka Lil’ Tony, broke up with him. Neil blamed Echo and tried to kill her by rigging her gas line in the house.
“I’m sure he’s getting what he deserves every day in jail.”
Echo slapped at Tabor, laughing. It really wasn’t funny. Tugging Tabor up, she explained how the claw foot tub in her bathroom fit two people perfectly and she had a new mirror positioned for his viewing pleasure.
She yelped as Tabor slapped her on the ass. A wicked smile spread across her face. Cocking his head, he told her, “Run.”
Echo took two steps back and then broke out into a run. She didn’t get far before Tabor tossed her over his shoulder. “Tabor, I need to take a bath first…”
“Oh, you will be getting a bath, I’m just going to watch you run your hands all over this pretty body of yours.”
Tabor pushed the bathroom door open with his free hand and warm scented air hit him in the face. Echo had already set things up. A bubble bath waited for them and damn if that didn’t add to his little fantasy. His woman knew him so well. She had positioned a chair at the side of the tub facing the enormous mirror that took up the back wall. Dropping her to her feet, Tabor shoved Echo against the wall. He wanted to taste every inch of her, but first he wanted a kiss. One that would tell him she was his and only his. “There’s so much I want to do to you,” he told her between kisses.
Echo dropped her hands to Tabor’s waist. He needed to be naked—and now! She wanted to watch him stroke himself while she played in the tub. It had been too long since she felt truly wanted. Tonight was the start of their new life. Their family was safe, and she had her man back. Unzipping his jeans, she locked eyes with him. No words were needed, the look conveyed every desire they both had. “Get in the tub with me.” She didn’t ask, he didn’t hesitate. Tabor stepped out of his clothes as he watched Echo strip. They weren’t going to make it to the tub just yet.
Pulling Echo hard against him, Tabor kissed her roughly. “Hands on the tub, babe.” He kissed her once more before allowing her to grab the edge of the tub. Stepping behind her, his hands played over her hips and ass. God he loved her ass. “You have no idea what you do to me, Echo.” He watched as she wiggled her ass. “Maybe you do.” Leaning over Echo, he bit down on her ear as he
looked at their reflection in the mirror. “You may want to hold on, this is gonna be hard and rough.”
Echo bit down a moan when Tabor entered her. He had never been a soft and gentle man. With every thrust she knew he was claiming her. Echo’s hand slipped, almost toppling them into the tub. Her laughter got her ass slapped, which got him a moan of pleasure.
Things were definitely on the right track… for now.
Wick blasted down Highway 101. There was a problem he needed to take care of, one that should have been out of the way months ago. Looking in his mirror, he made sure no one followed him. The call had come at a good time. He needed something to focus on other than how he’d almost allowed Echo and her daughter to be killed. Guilt, Gypsy said, was a monster that could eat you alive. Wick wished it wasn’t true.
Distance could be good, he thought as he shifted through the next gear… distance can be good.
Terms used in the MC world
1%ers: A term often used in association with outlaw bikers, this term represents the 1% that are not law abiding…the other 99% are.
Biker: someone who rides a motorcycle
Cage: A vehicle that is not a motorcycle
Cut: Vest or sleeveless jacket that displays the biker’s colors or independent patches
Dome, Lid, Brain bucket: Different names for helmets
Chapter: the local group of a larger club
Sled, iron horse, scooter: words used in place of motorcycle
Club: any group of riders banding together
Church: club meeting
Colors: represents the patches, logos etc. that the club members display on their cuts, they will fight over their colors. To “shit” on a club’s colors is an act of disrespect and can result in violence
Chase vehicle: a vehicle that follows behind the club on runs for emergency situations